Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Blair Affair

Three cheers for democracy!
Its the only political system in the world that lets good, educated and politically aware people choose their potential leader. Hurrah for democracy! the only system that lets people make the same mistake twice! It was bad enough that Bush Junior was elected back into office, but that was expected because of strong Bible Belt support and the current Christian Revivalism in the U.S., but Tony? Come on...
Weeks before the election, we saw Tony being questioned about his involvement in Iraq and the lies that he told about the weapons of mass destruction that were supposed to be hidden somewhere in the numerous harems of Saddam's palace
Furthermore, the Labour Party's economic policies have been receiving a lot of flak from the British public...Those two reasons would be enough to signal death to any political candidate, but somehow Blair seems to have survived...albeit with a significant reduction in his majority votes.
May be it was a case of the Brits not wanting the other guy more than Blair...Better the devil you know than the one you don't right? Mr Howard from the Conservatives has reputedly resigned as a result of his three time in a row defeat at Mr. Blair.

Democracy has spoken.

1 comment:

Fareez said...

if only things were that simple my friend...unfortunately its the only system that seems to allow basic freedoms and integrity