Recently Moussaoui has been found guilty and sentenced to life inprisonment in a super maximum security prison. Despite the rather funny double superlatives...i find Supermax prisons rather silly actually. Below is an excerpt picked from the BBC report about these jails.
Supermax prisons are said to be equipped with 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors, motion detectors, pressure pads and gun towers with perfect sightlines across the complex.
Tightly controlled and technologically advanced, such facilities are designed for the most dangerous and disruptive prisoners. Solitary confinement is an almost permanent way of life, with ADX Florence's 400-or-so prisoners locked in spartan cells for at least 23 hours each day.
An hour each day can be spent in a concrete-walled recreation yard. A typical "Supermax" cell's furniture - bed, desk, stool - is made from poured concrete. The cells are equipped with showers that run on a timer, and a toilet that shuts off if plugged. Meals are delivered to inmates in their cells to restrict interaction. Each cell also is equipped for 24-hour video and audio surveillance.
Inmates are allowed up to five non-contact visits per month, each lasting no more than seven hours.
My first question is...why go to all the trouble? Why torture the dude? Although, the timed shower thing seems better than what we have here in least the poor bugger will know when the water will get turned the Waterworks will wait until you start using soap on your face.
But still...why go through all this just in the name of justice. The death penalty to me would be a more humane thing to do.