Thursday, October 26, 2006

What Will We Say?

Getting older has a few unsettling drawbacks...
besides getting a tad slower in the 100 metre dash and getting sleepy by 12 of them is that you start to think about what your legacy to the world is going to be. The more i think about my contribution to mankind...the more i realise that i have contributed a lot of nothing much...which means that i am worried.
I am worried about what i will be able to say to the young kids that come along, i am worried about what their lives will be like and what contributions to their collective security and well being have i made...but most of all i worry about what i would say to them, these children of the information revolution...the children of tomorrow.

Will what i have to say still be relevant?

If all of us had one message to tell them, just one message to carry them through the progress of a generation, what would it be?

I would tell them to stop. I would tell them to take time off from life and just look around you and realise that they need to look beyond all conflicts and beyond all the lies that you have been fed, through all the racism and intolerance, through the prejudice and the hate that is so prevalent in this world. I would tell them to look beyond themselves...and think.

What would you say?