Sunday, May 08, 2005

Work stress

at long last i have finally manged to find the time to actually update this damn blog of mine...honestly its kinda turning into something of an addiction...Anyways, i finally got myself off my bum and got a job. Currrently doing surveys of customer satisfaction for Company X an IT solution provider, whch incidently is a fancy corporate sounding name for a company that puts together systems for customers...I learnt one very important lesson at work...the value of patience...The interviews have to be done over the phone and the customers have to answer a series of questions in order for the survey to be complete and for me to get paid...:-)

As expected, i got more than my fair share of Malaysian "courtesy" so to speak. Have you ever stopped to consider the effect you manners may have on the person that you are peaking to on the phone? I encountered people who seemed to think that telephone manners is an alien concept. My job involved me calling the IT dept heads to ascertain whether they were satisfied with the products provided by the company and if not to identify the problems that they faced so that the company could inprove its service, but more often than not i was treated as a nuisance and a bother to their schedules. That in itself is not a problem, but some of them seemed to go out of their way to be rude to me.

Just goes to show that Malaysians have a long way to go in terms of professionalism and courtesy.

So folks the next time someone 'inconveniences' you with a five minute customer survey, cut the guy a little slack, alright...he's just trying to pay the bills. If you don't want to answer the survey, say so, and make their lives a little easier.


Melorina said...

Hahaha. However it is part of the job I think. Not everyone is as nice as MelorK : )

Fareez said...

rude farts seems like an apt word to describe these guys, thanks sean! hahahaha