Life can be fun sometimes you know, i just got off the phone with one of the school debate participants and it was gratifying to know that these people still seem to remember me even after so long. Its scary sometimes when you hear that you have caused so much change in their perceptions on life and issues that they had to rethink everything that has been thought to them over the last two to three years. One person can in fact make a huge impact upon the individuals around him and a truly responsible person takes the opportunity and gives the best to everyone, but a person who does not realise his role in society and in his immediate circle of friends is a potentially destructive force.
Physics applies here as well. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" Every thing you do has its equal reaction in the person you effect and has the opposite reaction on you. It takes a very responsible and upright person to use that power responsibly.
Who's life have you changed today? and was it for the better?