Friday, January 20, 2006

Knights In Rusted Armour

What is it that draws me to images of knights? Is it the romanticism of a lone force of good against evil? Is it an inner desire to help people? Or is it just because i've read too many Dungeons and Dragons books when i was little?
Anyway, enough ranting. The real reason why i am writing is because of some thought provoking situations that has happened to me both recently and over the years. I'm talking about chivalry and its acceptance in Malaysia.
Recently, someone commented that its strange that a young person like me opens doors for others and gives way to ladies and basically everyone else. (I have been mistaken for a doorman once)
I asked the person why was it strange and he replied, "its just not Malaysian" I explained that in my family, i was brought up to always put the needs of others first and be polite even under extreme provocation.
King Tirian in C.S. Lewis's The Last Battle "Warriors do not scold, courteous words or else hard knocks are his only language"
I havent obeyed those rules all the time, granted, but i do try.
But what really disturbs me is that this person thinks its a strange thing. Going further back, i was really surprised at the behaviour of some women on the public transport. When i get up to offer them the seat, the more often than not flatly refuse and act as if i was trying to molest them or something. Its strange that our society seems to view simple acts of courtesy as being alien and strange.
Another example. Ever tried standing at the roadside in Malaysia and make like you want to cross the road? The first thing that drivers will normally do is speed up their vehicle! As if you crossing the road would mean that they would be horribly late for a meeting. Try the same scenario in Australia, South Africa and you will see drivers that are even close by braking for you to cross with a smile.
Whats wrong with us?


SarahKambali said...

ahh... dearest Fareez,

you've heard my story of courtesy in our lovely institution, kan? I don't think it's wise for me to relate everything in here... but let's just keep the viewers know it's about the combination of

students + a person in wheelchair + lift + going up and down the floors..

that should suffice, kan?

well.. i don't find it weird that you open doors or even give up your seat. I find that to be your character. Always a gentlemen... don't let ignorant people undermine your own courtious actions.. just because they're too idiotic and lazy to be coutious, does not mean you have to join 'em..

you're always a knight in my eyes.. thank you so much for those years of ongoing friendship.. *smiles*

Melorina said...

Hmmm... never had a prob of giving seats to pregnant ladies and the elderly... maybe its just that other ppl outside that category did not expect such chivalry that it suprised them..

Anonymous said...

"I have been mistaken for a doorman once"

That totally made me laugh out loud!

Unfortunately, I can relate all to well to your experience! I wish I could say otherwise but all those hours on the LRT and buses, I have too many memories of myself giving up my seat for an elderly/pregnant person instead of some guy sitting near me...*sigh* I don't understand the ways of Malaysia either but its nice to know we aren't alone...

Your knightly yearnings, I can't relate to as much.. :P

Fareez said...

The End In indeed near...I wont be surprised actually. No offence to Republicans, but with that village idiot from Texas controlling most of Earth's Nuclear Arsenal, we had better be praying hard.

Thanks! And I officially declare that i miss you.. :-)

Hmm, maybe its different for a woman.

The doorman bit is only half of it...i've been mistaken for a waiter in a restaurant because i was helping to wipe the table. The person ordered a teh tarik kurang susu. I went to the actual waiter and told him the order and then sat at the table next to him and talked to my friends. Boy was he red in the face! :-)

SarahKambali said...

Melor - i think those ladies have no problem accepting seats from you... fareez.. well.. that's a different case. btul tak? *situation wise laa*

SarahKambali said...

adusss... waiter fareez? were you wearing their uniform skali masa you cleaning up? some ppl.. sheesh..

Anonymous said...

Only our Fareez can take being mistaken as a waiter and a doorman with that much 'zen'-ness. haha

Farah Harith said...

its a weird community we live in sayang. remember those guards at the train station?

Melorina said...

Heehee... Fareez, at least you would have another career available if it didn't work out with the law thingy.. Hmm.. maybe ppl are a bit less intimidated if a girl gives up her seat rather than a guy. Or maybe its just you Fareez : )

Anonymous said...

Fareez! update your blog!!!! &(*^%^&*%#^*@*@_@
