Regardless of the actions of Muslims that degraded their own religion, (previous posts)
I find it absolutely appalling that the so called "free" press of Denmark is practicing such obvious double standards.
This brought me to an even bigger question...Is there such a thing as a free and liberal press? Or is the term so much self serving tripe that is dished out to us by...Hey, The press themselves!
That quintessential symbol of worlwide evil, Adolph Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf states that one of the tactics that leaders should use when in control of a nation is to perpetuate what he likes to call "The Great Lie" where a leader makes up a 'lie' and them repeats it 'eternally' with the correct support from public information dispensers to a point when the general populace actually believes in the 'lie' and accepts it as 'truth'. Have we been fed 'lies' all this time?
I admit, being a debater and a soon to be lawyer, my ideas about what is a lie is flexible at best but there is a difference between portraying your case in the best light and outright bullshit. (Though some may argue otherwise)
I was recently discussing a rather famous Malaysian issue with a fellow Muslimah who is a member of a Malaysian Muslim NGO and I heard something rather disturbing. (WARNING: Hearsay only, NOT to be construed as 'truth')
It seems that a certain Malaysian Daily refused to publish or accept documented evidence and an interview that pointed to the fact that our Muslim brother Moorthy was actually a Muslim at the time of death. These documents and the interview would have served to prove beyond a doubt that he was a Muslim and dispel much of the rumours that have been going around about the Syariah Courts but they were refused publication. Why?
Press hypocrisy functions in many ways. The most recent example of this was revealed by the British newspaper The Guardian in its article THE FILM U.S. TV NETWORKS DARE NOT SHOW (May 12, 2005). This article discusses the resistance filmmaker Adam Curtis encountered during his attempts to locate a major American media outlet willing to show his documentary film, THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES.
Although this documentary examines the historical events that ultimately led to one of the most catastrophic events in American history - the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - the cowardice of the American media apparently resides not in the film's analysis of these events, but in its depiction of the "neo-conservative's" exploitation of September 11th for political and personal gain.
Ever wonder why the faulty intelligence, Halliburton contracts, mass killings in Fallujah, and outright lies about Iraq never received much press coverage as opposed to Osama's latest videotape?
Don't you find it funny that if the Pope is shown with a bomb for a hat, the whole world would be up in arms in denouncing the caricature, but if the Prophet is drawn similarly, it falls under freedom of speech and is not offensive.
Makes you look at your daily newspaper in a different light doesn't it?
such double standards...tsk tsk
True...however these passengers are drawn to buses which have the most profits instead of the truth.
i have to say the difference probably is the way that the westerners would handle the sitation, maybe the whole world would be up in arms in denouncing it but they wouldnt be killing people.
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