Friday, September 22, 2006


Why is it that more often than not we are hurt most by people that we love or care for? Why is it that just when things seem to be going right and you are happy...things start to go wrong? Why is it that just when you think that your search is over...the treasure eludes you?
Is it because we love too much? That we are willing to place soo much care and love into one person that the person can't help but disappoint or hurt us eventually? Or is it because Allah has a different plan for us? Or are you yourself, in some sick and twisted way denying yourself the goals or happiness that you want? I have no answer...yet i also have no choice.

(Picture taken from Maryann Farly's online gallery...go visit


Anonymous said...

Patience brother.


Anonymous said...

Hey Fareez!

Long time no hear from ya...
Missed ya... really... =)
So sorry to hear this sad story, you know when your sad, i'm equally sad as well... =(

Look, you , are a VERY SWEET guy. By far the sweetest i've ever met. And i'm sure one day you'll find "her"... THE "her"...and she will love u dearly and would never want to leave u....

Just um... don't leave her hangin ya? Like.. show some consistency in the way you feel about her.
Women, much to your surprise, in relationships our logic can match that of a guy... we prefer it to be brief and frank... "kalo nak cakap nak... kalo taknak, pls dont waste my time...but we can be frens"...would you like that in multiple choice? A. yes i want you B. nah, i think i'm gonna look around first.

hahaha ... See....
But of course, being women, we wont come out and say it.. oh no.. you guys got to know that YOU are the ones who's got to say it
*big grin*

Another tip on women for the day...
Let it be known that it is in no way no how to confuse the male species... =)

And i like the PMS bit... your funny la... hehehe

Take it easy sweetheart!
You know me, adiba, raihan, fazlin too, i'm sure azira as well, and perhaps azrul..loves you...

See ya in Royals..

P/S: this is about a right? =P

-Fay Sarrah

Fareez said...

Who said that the post was about women? :-) it could be very easily be about family or pets...assumptions assumptions...

Anonymous said...


so u feel guilty about hurting the one you love, and it's a pet?

hmmm... kinky...


~ Fay, (still sticking with the assumption)

Nabilah said...

Give it time and Allah's plan will be clearer.. Sometimes things that we want arent necessarily the things that we need and is the best thing for us... Choice is always present, like how patience is too..

In the mean time, as confused as the circumstances might seem to be.. One day at a time.. *dude take your own advice sometimes okay* :)

Fareez said...


Suka hati korang la :-)

I hate taking my own advice...because its true and it makes me feel like a jackass for not knowing the answer earlier...

:-) Eid Mubarak Everybody!!

+ min said...

+ can god really really be trusted?